Recent studies have shown that the economic crisis of 2008 has heavily affected migrants, thus exacerbating a disadvantage already present in many countries and further weakening the position of migrants in the labour market. This paper focuses on two distinct groups of migrants: EU citizens and those from third, «non-EU» countries. In our opinion, the legal status of «European» should provide some advantages on the labour market, compared with the situation of non-EU citizens. In particular, we focus on the effects of the economic crisis on unemployment risk, occupational prestige and income, from the crisis up to 2014.
A case of inequality in the labour market: the situation of EU and non-EU migrants
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- Articolo
- pp:35-56
- DOI: 10.1485/AIS_2019/13_3439225
Teoria e ricerca
Focus. Il sapere sociologico e la valutazione della scuola