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Articolo rivista - AIS - 2023/22

Raffaella Gallo, Gabriella D’Ambrosio, De Marchis Erika

Pentirsi: dalla negazione alla ri-costruzione identitaria del collaboratore di giustizia

Il tema dell’identità e l’analisi dei processi di costruzione identitaria sono, da sempre, al centro della riflessione sociologica. A tal proposito, si propone una riflessione sul contesto mafioso, in particolare sul passaggio dall’accettazione di norme e valori condivise dal gruppo di riferimento al loro rifiuto, quando il mafioso decide di collaborare con la giustizia. Lo studio si concentra ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2023/22

Lombardinilo Andrea

Signs stand for ideas: Walter Lippmann from stereotypes to symbols

This essay focuses on Walter Lippmann’s theory of stereotypes interpreted as communicative devices, iconic meanings and informative facilitators, in line with the creation and diffusion of news that is closely related to the way journalism creates a manufactured representation of everyday life. To the fore are not only the narrative strategies that newspapers were able to exploit one century ago, ...
Is symbolic mediation inevitably linked to the human ability to know the world? Can understanding be only indirect? As the complexity of social systems increases, does the level of mediation differ further? This research work reconstructs the way in which Walter Lippmann tries to answer the previous questions. In Public Opinion (Lippmann 1922), the author presents mediation as an inevitable destiny, ...
La ricerca presentata ha come oggetto di analizzare la struttura e gli elementi culturali che determinano una bolla di disinformazione all’interno di Facebook. L’iter metodologico poggia sull’ipotesi che i gruppi di utenti, attenti a tematiche cospirazioniste, sono parte di una subcultura unica ed è costruito prendendo in considerazione tre agenti di riferimento: gli articoli cospirazionisti ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2023/22

Sorrentino Carlo, Buoncompagni Giacomo

100 anni di moltitudine. Pensare al giornalismo di domani attraverso le intuizioni di Walter Lippmann

Se scrivesse oggi Lippmann analizzerebbe le nuove frontiere del giornalismo e il ruolo svolto nella moltiplicazione delle sfere pubbliche, che ha fatto parlare di sfera pubblica interrelata (Bentivegna e Boccia Artieri 2020). Un’evoluzione del concetto di sfera pubblica densa (Sorrentino 2008), ancora efficace per descrivere società caratterizzate da un sovraccarico informativo, che diventa anche ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2023/23

Marzano Marco

Writing Ethnographies: The Role of Narrative

The subject of this paper is the importance of certain narrative elements to ethnographic writing and especially to reporting qualitative research based on observation (both participant and otherwise) and interviews (Czarniawska, 2004). I should point out that the following considerations are essentially methodological and theoretical. A further, more practical, text will follow in the near future. ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2024/24

Cataldo Rosanna, Punziano Gabriella, Saracino Barbara, Iazzetta Ferdinando

Experts and science communication in time of Covid vaccination campaign: the Italian case

1 The communication of science during the pandemic Throughout the pandemic, the speed with which science has operated within the uncertainties of COVID-19 has aligned and adapted with the increased need for public information, consequently identifying itself as a challenge also for information systems invited to respond quickly to the new demands imposed by the crisis (Thomas and Senkpeni, 2020). ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2024/24

Fasanella Antonio, Faggiano Maria Paola, Parziale Fiorenzo, Cavagnuolo Michela, Dentale Maria

Changes in Schooling: The impact of Digitalization on PTSOs (Work Experience Programs). From Planning to Implementation

1 Work Experience Programs and digital competencies: a general framework Law n. 145 from December 30, 2018, article 1, comma 785, states that the Ministry of Education, University and Research is bound to publish the guidelines for Work Experience Programs (PTSOs – Paths for transversal competencies and orientation) (see MIUR, 2018), which have taken the place of so-called School-Work Alternance ...
Introduction The article presents the first insights of an explorative research aimed at analyzing poverty from the perspective of the sociology of emotions. It hypothesizes that emotions can represent a useful instrument to combat poverty at an individual and social level. Most recent policies and measures against poverty at national and international level have adopted as reference the paradigm ...

Articolo rivista - AIS - 2024/24

Cubeddu Francesca, Mangone Emiliana

From Risk to Emergencies: Changes in Cultural and Communication Systems in the Digital Society

1 Risk, crisis and emergencies: cultural dynamics and changes A world without risk situations and events, crises and emergencies – regardless of their differentiated nature (social, economic, political and environmental) – is not conceivable, let alone possible. One can imagine, however, a world in which the effects and negative consequences of these conditions are reduced or even avoided. The ...